Full Moon Ghee 🌕✨

The most potent time to make medicine is during the full moon. The Vedas say that making medicines on the full moon increases the quality of SOMA within the medicine - the source of nourishment. Soma is considered the nectar of immortality

Reflecting the elements of Water, the moon therefore increases the healing properties of Ghee. Ayurveda holds Ghee with high regard because of its effect on human health and promoting longevity. the benefits are unbelievable.

The Mantra Mahamrtunjaya is also sang or played while making ghee to imprint the Mantras energetic codes into the medicine. This Mantra is said to ‘bestow longevity, mortality and provide physical and emotional wellbeing.” 

So a little bit about ghee! 

Ghee is purified and clarified fat made from butter. There is no other fat like it. 

The process of cooking the butter removes the lactose and casein and leaves the fat solids which harden when cooled and leave you a purified & clarifies substance called ghee! 

It becomes “dairy-free”  with all the milk solids removed. But ultimately listening to your inner guide in relationship to consuming anything related to another living being is ones own choice 🙏🏽It’s important, if possible, to source local organic butter and if it’s cultured, even better! This isn’t always possible due to time or location & there are great companies that make quality ghee!

Ghee helps by nourishing us from the inside out! It supports digestive health, boosts immunity & maintains eye health. Ghee is primarily a fat but also contains vitamins A, B , D, E & K and Omega-3s with Buytric acid. The Omega’s help with balancing cholesterol levels. The Buytric Acid decreases inflammation, particularly in the GI Tract. (Great for ulcerative colitis) and supports immune function by stimulating the production of T- cells, one of our most important immunity cells. The A vitamins have been linked to preventing Cataracts being as that the carotenoids are antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that attack the macular cells in the eye. thus ghee prevents the Macular Degeneration that leads to the development of cataracts. 

What makes ghee extra special is that is has the ability to penetrate all 7 #Dhatus or main bodily tissues. It’s energetics are almost that of a chameleon ; it transforms to carry the energy of whatever it is infused with, making it a strong carrier or #Anupana for herbal medicine to travel deeply into the body. 

Classical Panchakarma uses ghee for its internal oleation , known as #snehapana , as a part of the #Purvakarma therapies. Softening toxins in the GI tracts allows for herbs to work their magic easily, such as #Dipanas and #Pachanas. Here I often see the emergence of #Gheegans (plant based folks who also consume ghee) to be able to go through PK. There is no ghee substitute in classical Panchakarma. 

The classical texts say that ghee has the ability to strengthen us from the inside out and helps build OJAS aka our immune system and vitality. Ghee can be used to sauté, grill or bake due to its high smoke point. It does not have to be refrigerated & for that reason I love having this with me whenever I travel or go camping. 

Keep in mind this is an ultra concentrated fat. Be aware as your start to implement this in your diet if weight gain or mainly Kapha imbalances are present. Daily consumption is best for Vatas and Pittas, and even so, in moderation. Kaphas benefit from ghee especially when cooked with Kapha pacifying herbs such as Pippali, Ginger and Turmeric. 


GANJA : Ayurveda + Cannabis